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Its been a while...

I know, I know I have been ignoring this blog for a while. But life has a habit of getting in the way of my painting sometimes... My darling dad had a hip replacement, and my mum stayed with us = not much time for painting! However am back to it this weekend and have posted a photo of the dark stormy sky I am working on at the moment..

There has also been lots of tidying up after the very successful Kalamunda Open Studios... Yesterday I handed over "Breaking Through" to its new owner. My Brydie was sad to see that painting go as it was her favourite. I was very happy with the packaging of the painting - something that I chose to improve in my business this year. Earlier in the year I sold a few paintings to a lovely couple. They came to pick the painting up, and I felt really let down by the presentation of the paintings on pick up day - they had spent quite a bit of money and their paintings were wrapped in what was effectively, an old sheet. I decided that I was going to make the delivery of the next painting an event! When I buy something, I love the feeling of presentation, of the unveiling, of the care that someone has put into my purchase - just for me. Of course, they are relatively large and fragile to package, so a bit of thought had to go into it...

So here is a photo of my new painting packaging, much happier with this... Nothing better than brown paper packages tied up in string! From now on all of my paintings will be handed over wrapped securely and beautifully - a gift for their new owner....

Have a great week - can't wait to get in the studio....

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