Middleton Beach, Albany WA
I have been very productive in the studio recently - nothing like a deadline (Open Studios) to get you busy... However, paintings sometimes take a long time to finish to the point where you are ready to share...
Today I finished one of Middleton Beach in Albany. I absolutely loved this beach and plan to keep painting this beach and others for a while. I have booked again to visit in December and cannot wait. This time I am planning on doing some plein air paintings while I am there in addition to my usual photography for painting... A new element that I can incorporate, mainly due to the fact I picked up a plein air easel recently... YAY!
Anyway - hope you like today's efforts...
And a big shout out to my darling Aunty Pat - to whom I owe this blog in the first place as she told me I should.... I am thinking of you and hoping the sun shines for you soon.