
I love it when a client sends through a picture of a painting that they have bought installed in their home. To me, it speaks of a contentment with their investment and a pride in how they have displayed the painting. It just makes me happy!
This painting, which I never got around to putting up on the Recent Works page, is called "Lighthouse at Port Fairy" and features a view across the bay to the lighthouse on the point. If you have never been to Port Fairy, it is the most beautiful stretch of coastline on the far southwest coast of Victoria (Australia), and featured heavily in the series that I did for the Near and Far Exhibition in 2015. An early whaling and port town, it sits on a river that runs into the Southern Ocean. Lovely Georgian? buildings, beach houses and coffee shops - the perfect beachside retreat.

And a painter's dream, as you get beautiful reflections on the hard sand of the beaches.
I wanted "Lighthouse at Port Fairy" to convey a sense of calm - that feeling that you get as you sit on the beach and just simply look at the horizon.... the contentment of a good beach moment...