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A different journey
In 2019, while on an art residency with Brisons Trust, I undertook a course to explore abstraction at the St Ives School of Art in Cornwall, UK. At the time it seemed such a move away from the landscapes .. but the seeds were planted and in 2020 I started to play with the medium of cold wax. While on my course/residency I had started to incorporate my writing into my art practice and this has continued in this series of works below. The process here is everything - layer upon layer of colour and texture are added, words and thoughts written into the paint, covered over and/or revealed as the process continues... the works are very textural and tactile. In essence they are a product of action painting as movement impacts on what is carved, revealed and covered over.... I very much enjoy working on these along side my representational works, they are worked on over a long period of time and develop very differently from my landscapes and still life works.
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